Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An evening of Figure Drawing at the International Art Club of Den Haag

The IAC is an art club started about 15 years ago by an expat, but membership gradually evolved into a group of native Dutch. The IAC began publishing the monthly newsletter in Dutch this month after 15 years of publishing in English, since there were no native English speakers left in the club. Perfect timing for entrance stage left, me. It is a great way for me to both make friends and be confused.

Everyone is about my art skill level or much better, so it is a good opportunity for learning and humiliation. These images were made April 22, and represent a night's work. You can see how some of the pictures are better (or more to the point, worse) than the others. But mostly, it is just fun and casual. Last night, we took a break for coffee and another break for pizza. The coffee kept me awake until 3 a.m., but on the plus side I had a great time laying awake thinking ideas for the art I want to do. And, for the first time in about 17 years, an opportunity to actually try 'em out.


Jan said...

Very nice sketches Erik. I'm jealous of your opportunity to have the time to follow these interests - with the locals of your new home country. Have fun !

HagenInDenHaag said...

Thanks Jan. I wish you similar opportunities in the very near future!