Monday, September 29, 2008

The joyful marriage of confidence and ignorance: Sam Harris on Sarah Palin

Sam Harris's article on Sarah Palin is fantastic and insightful. Here's a satirical excerpt:

"Governor Palin, are you ready at this moment to perform surgery
on this child's brain?"

"Of course, Charlie. I have several boys of my own, and I'm an
avid hunter."

"But governor, this is neurosurgery, and you have no training as
a surgeon of any kind."

"That's just the point, Charlie. The American people want change
in how we make medical decisions in this country. And when faced
with a challenge, you cannot blink."

My sister read a quote from a midwestern newspaper about a woman who would vote for the McCain/Palin ticket simply because Palin was someone with whom she could imagine having a beer and a pizza. Seems that there may be more important qualities to look for in a President, but what do I know, I'm a hyper-educated liberal snob elitist and a non-believer "doomed to be punished for eternity in a lake of fire." Sam Harris's full article is well worth reading at:

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