Thursday, November 13, 2008

Midwest cuisine, update

update on dad over the phone - he went grocery shopping, here's what he bought and the dialogue:

Erik (E) So, I posted our conversation about the midwestern cuisine.
Dad (D) I have an update for you. I went shopping, and got steak, got chicken, something else, I can't remember, nothing fancy like lamb or fish.
(E) sure you don't remember the third thing?
(D) it's all the same stuff I told you about last time, its all good.
(D) If you're gonna make money on this, I want my cut. (laughs)
(D) I tell you what, I sure like your cooking! You're a good cook! A fine lad!
and Tamara tells me you're a good lover!
(E) you're hilarious
(D) you've got it all man
(D) oh I know what you need - you need a good climate - it's time for you to get the gun (this last in reference to my state of near-constant depression given the weather here.)

That's my dad. What he lacks in tact, he makes up in wit. I really am depressed. It's hard being an artist alone in a studio all day, when you are a social person. But tomorrow I'm off to a tanning booth. It's a sure cure for seasonal affective disorder, and is why everyone around here is orange. The sun is about 30 degrees up off the horizon during the noon hour, that's on the rare occasions when you can see it.


Jan said...

Hmm. Sounds like you should consider being a social artist. You know, like generate conversation. Or, get a real job, but make art out of being in a real job. Just sayin'.

Jan said...

Not to say that being an artist isn't a real job. More that you should do something that involves complex interaction with others - if that's your thing. More just sayin'. Ok, I'll shut up now :)

HagenInDenHaag said...

I just spent the day from 7 am until 1 am (18 hours) getting ready for a show...seems like drought days at the commission. but thanks for the compliment re social art, and I think you are right - complex interaction is a good thing. hmm, maybe performance art?

Jeff said...

We intend to cheer you up in Sienna. Look forward to seeing you in orange.

Jan said...

Ah, a show. Perfect ! Good luck and enjoy making those complex interactions !

HagenInDenHaag said...

I've been getting some good suggestions from you all - here's a compilation. I'll have Tamara bring back some orange-in-a-tube from the states, and paint virtual macaroni on my body for performance art, a real "is it art or is it Kraft" performance royale. With cheese.