Sunday, November 2, 2008

Taking risks

These images are of the final version of the Brian Soden fire painting - this is a painting that evolved into something I really love. There's texture and depth from so many layers and layers, including a layer of painting medium, mostly dried, topped by a layer of rubbed sand. It is the last bit, the rubbed sand which brings this painting together. While I struggled with this painting and thought at times about giving up on it, it also was marginal enough to let me take huge chances with it. It is one of those paintings that almost fails and turns out to be one of the best paintings. In the near failure, I felt freed up to take risks because there was nothing to lose. Boy Howdy, now that's an adventure in painting.


Clair at 116 said...

Definitely one of your best works. I love following the development and admire the evolution.


HagenInDenHaag said...

thanks Clair!