Saturday, January 10, 2009

It is COLD in Holland!

For the first time in 12 years, the canals have frozen enough so that the elfstedentocht is likely to take place this week. The Elfstedentocht is ice-skating race of 220 km that includes 11 cities, and is very important to Dutch. Everyone is talking about it. Here's a picture of me posing with the day's groceries on our fish pond - me, the bike, and the groceries weigh exactly 250 pounds (115 kg).


kumquat said...

I AM SO EXCITED! Erik, T, if this happens, can we come visit at the same time???

Lecky said...

Wow, that's cold. I'm under the impression that the canal ice skating race has not been run in recent years because the weather did not cooperate, too warm. Is that true?

HagenInDenHaag said...

Yup, it's been too warm for years!

Our doors our open, we have a warm guestroom!

Jan said...

I'd like to see pictures of you riding that bike on the ice !