Wednesday, February 18, 2009

100 paintings for 100 dollars.

So I am excited about my next project which is "100 paintings for 100 dollars." I have really enjoyed making the smaller format paintings for this project and think that I can reach people that otherwise might not be able to afford original art, while building a client base and some excitement about my work. At least, that's what I hope. It certainly won't be a big money-maker, but for now I can afford to spend my energies just building a network.

The tiny format is about the size of a postcard and working small is great. It allows me to work faster, and in the quickly changing weather and clouds here you've got to be so fast in order to capture the light or the composition and clouds. For example, the paintings pictured here will be a part of that show, and you might be able to get a sense of what I mean from the second painting - that cloudbank moved into the coast so fast, and before the painting was finished it was raining and completely overcast. The best part about this project has been getting out into the outdoors to do the paintings, no matter what the weather.