Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Vineyards and a view of Monteriggione

Today's work was incredibly difficult. I struggled with this painting for hours in the direct hot sun. I finally scraped and scumbled the paint together and added a few quick strokes before I felt that it was finished, which was risky because I almost lost the whole painting in that process after hours and hours of work... still, I enjoyed the process of painting this one, and feel lucky to be outside all day looking at such a view. I'm exhausted and have a bit of heat exhaustion. Time to go find a wonderful seafood salad at the deli at the local COOP, and a bottle of wine.
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Angela Wales Rockett said...

Well, it was certainly worth the effort. Beautiful painting.

HagenInDenHaag said...

Thank you so much. I concluded last night that the best painting sites are usually found in the most adverse conditions.

kumquat said...

Always true...
I like the action in this one -- the vines are leaning in such a nice way!

HagenInDenHaag said...

This is my favorite. This one looks like it is going to end up on a wine bottle label of a friend here!