Friday, May 9, 2008

Several new sketches - self portraits

The last several weeks have been a time of self doubt regarding my abilities as an artist, and intense introspection regarding my decision to start doing art full time. Clair was a big help in coming out when he did. The timing was perfect for two reasons: 1) I was lonely and needed counsel, and 2) he encouraged my artmaking. I am now doing art every day and I have renewed confidence in my abilities, as I feel that I captured something of the street scenes of Amsterdam using gesture drawing. Clair was a receptive and good friend, patiently drinking beer while I drew. (Such hardship.) If I ever become a successful artist, I will acknowledge how his counsel helped steer me in the direction of art as opposed to other career choices. If, on the other hand, I end up in the gutter begging money for alcohol, it will totally be his fault.


Jeff said...

It's been awhile since I've been to the blog, and I enjoyed seeing the progression of your artwork. I like some of the self portraits. The house looks great, and it is so odd to see furniture that I recall from Sherman Ave in the new place. Kristen and I are looking forward to seeing you guys soon. --Jeff

HagenInDenHaag said...

thanks Jeff RE art!

Funny for me to see the old furniture too. Are we really in Holland?