Friday, October 31, 2008

Clair update

This just in from Clair, who is responding fabulously to chemo and is planning a trip to climb Kilimanjaro:

I finished my third chemotherapy on Monday, Oct 27 - another five hours with a needle in my arm. The nurses say that I have good veins so I am punctured anew each time instead of having a permanent installation on my chest. I am feeling great. The first two chemos knocked the cancer down considerably and I am down to a single pain pill a day. I expect to get a CT scan in a few weeks to see just how much the cancer has diminished.

I am back to going to the gym daily, although with much reduced intensity. It is disheartening to see how little time it takes to lose muscle tone. Formerly I would spend 30 minutes at intensity 5 on an elliptical trainer. Today I did 13 minutes at intensity 3.

I expect that, as in the first two chemo cycles, there will be some bad times next week, but compared to the tales told about chemo, I am having a free ride.


I made a painting a few weeks ago inspired by how I felt about Clair's battle, as well as his good luck with treatment, and called it "Guardian." It is pictured above.

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