Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holiday family pics (for Alex)

Spending the Christmas in the Netherlands was great, because we were with family and because Christmas is celebrated twice. Tamara has two Aunts that live here, and we spent the first day (the 25th) with Tuta, Willem, Ingrid and Sandra, and the second (the 26th) with Pien and a group of 12 or so family. It made us feel totally at home, and connected to the Netherlands in a way we hadn't before. It made the holiday's grand.

The pics below show the five course feast at Tuta. Sorry, no pics from Pien's house because of a camera malfuntion - too bad because it would have been nice to show the dancing we did there until 1 in the morning.

1 comment:

Lecky said...

Yay, yippee, yay - I love the family pics, E. Thanks.