Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tamara eating Sacher Torte (so busted)

Sacher torte has been a specialty of the Hotel Sacher Wien (pictured, in Vienna) since 1832. You can just see Tamara in the window. It was a lovely trip, although I did get food poisoning which slowed me down for a day or so. I blame bad Sushi, not the cake.
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Jeff said...

When we were there we sat at the same table where the woman and small child are seated in your photo. The Sacher Torte is quite good. Looks like you had good weather in Vienna. Wish we were there!

HagenInDenHaag said...

wish you were there too, maybe it would have moderated our drinking, and even prevented my food poisoning incident via different restaurant choice?!! There was also the incident where I laughed so hard I threw up. But on reflection, I suppose you probably would have abbetted that part.