Sunday, May 10, 2009

Art galleries in the Hague

Last week I approached a couple of galleries on the Nordeinde, the chic gallery part of town. Portfolio in hand, sample artwork in tow, I was excited to talk with the owners.

Turns out that both galleries are fully booked for the next two years. One has no interest in more artists doing sea-scapes, and at the other my art did not work with the more abstract direction the owner wanted to go. No big deal, it takes a lot of work to find the right gallery.

I was discouraged tho, to see such beautiful art work hanging on the walls, at a very reasonable price, and not a single sold sticker to be seen. The crisis is really hitting the gallery owners hard here, and both seemed fairly down about their prospects.

This week I approach the Pulchri studio in a juried competition to see if I can become a member of this artists' coooperative.


Lecky said...

WHat are the galleries after? Those guys don't know what they are missing. You may want to paint American images...Jif, the golden arches, Wall Street - maybe a different angle would be liked...?

Jeff said...

Keep looking and I'm sure you will find the right type of gallery to show your works.

Kristen and I are looking forward to seeing you guys soon!

HagenInDenHaag said...

thanks, you guys rock.